Disconnect from the Babylonian System

The command given in Revelation 18:4 says to “come out of her my people…”. It is a warning. The Most High is telling His people to escape the judgment that is to come upon Babylon. Babylon is represented by a false religious system that has deceived the world. Many are calling for unity between church […]
The Pineal Gland – Powerhouse of the Endocrine System

Studies have shown that our people tend to be highly religious or I should say value spiritual things more. Those conducting the studies seem perplexed by the fact that we tend to be more religious or spiritual (some would say) and I think we know where these attributes are coming from, as it pertains to […]
Real Biblical Black History in Pictures

Most of us were taught to believe the lies that the most important historical figures were white Europeans. Religious leaders knowingly reject the scriptures that describe Messiah as having woolly hair and feet like burnt brass – and I have said many times, anything burnt is not white! Races have a mental block when it […]
The Wages Due to Our People Are Crying Out Against America

The United States has been interfering in the affairs of many nations because of crimes committed against its citizens but the United States refuses to hold its own self accountable for the crimes committed against us. Why is that? Most European colonial economies in the Americas from the 16th through the 19th century were dependent […]
We Are The People Called By His Name – YAH

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. This is a very popular Scripture many pastors often preach. They say that Christians need to […]
You Are Not Who You Think You Are

Do you think it’s a coincidence that our nation’s leaders are having discussions about reparations for the descendants of slaves? If you remember, a few years ago, they passed House Resolution 1242 to commemorate the 400th year anniversary of when the slaves were brought to the United States – August of 2019 made 400 years. […]
What You Don’t Know About Melanin May Actually Harm You

When we talk about melanin rarely does the discussion include its actual biological benefits. Studies show that Africans and Indians have the highest amount of melanin, with no significant difference between the two. Those with the highest amount of melanin should know about the benefits of dark melanin skin and how those benefits can be […]
Because of Eumelanin You Can Embrace The Sun

Understanding our worth is vitally important. Particularly now as these advancements in science and technology about melanin is coming to the forefront. We have to be vigilant and we need to start asking some questions. In this blog, you will learn about melanin, and in particular eumelanin – which is the dark-brown melanin pigment that […]
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – The Truth Revealed

History informs us that James Earl Ray is the man who was charged and convicted in the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ray confessed to the killing but days later recanted and said it was actually a larger conspiracy which many of us believed that led to the killing of Dr. King. The […]
Melanin In Our Black Skin Is Priceless

It is time for African Americans to understand the value of melanin. There is a need for us to educate ourselves about melanin. Normally we only hear about how melanin plays an important role in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays, but it is so much more than pigmentation. Melanin is necessary for the […]