Life Empowering Truths is an organization passionately providing programs
 and services to strengthen underserved families and help them thrive.

Care Services

Our CARE services may address the needs of particular groups, such as ethnic and cultural minorities; or families facing a food or shelter crisis.

Upon completion and approval of CARE request form, emergency funds, food or necessities will be provided to families in need. Amounts will be determined based on financial need. Recipients eligible for support may request assistance once per year.

Education and Learning

Life skills are the skills that an individual must possess to successfully live in today’s world. These include knowing how to manage time, prepare a resume, work at a job and be part of a team, and learning effective communication skills.

When families have the tools and resources, they need to sustain themselves, they are better equipped to become contributing members of society.

Life Empowering Truths is offering training sessions and workshops to that will foster resilient families equipped to help our communities thrive and prosper.

Workforce Development Classes

African Americans face record-low unemployment. The Black unemployment rate reached a high of 16.6 percent in May 2020, and as of August 2020, it was still at 13.2 percent. African Americans continue to face persistent employment barriers.

Workforce Development classes are offered to those seeking employment. Our workshops will assist those in need of education, skills, and training to obtain jobs. The training sessions and other services are designed to help job seekers gain access to and thrive in good-paying jobs and careers.

Healthy Relationship Classes

African American families are beautiful and complicated—especially in terms of relationships. Life Empowering Truths is addressing the health and wellness of relationships. Sessions are designed to discuss the impacts of  “unhealthy love,” including physical and emotional abuse in relationships.

Unhealthy relationship can lead to domestic violence, homelessness, suicidal thoughts, and death. Workshops are provided to enhance healthy relationships.

Counseling may also provide a resource for individuals who are experiencing relationship issues. Counseling sessions will be provided to qualified individuals and families after completion of application request.

Financial Wellness Classes

African Americans account for 13% of the U.S. population. Their economic impact is noteworthy, with $1.2 trillion in purchases annually. This represents more than one-third of spending in several product categories. However, according to research conducted by financial agencies, the financial situation of African Americans lags that of the U.S. population.

Financial literacy gaps exist across this demographic group regardless of gender, age, income level, or degree of education. There is a strong correlation between family stability and the family’s social and economic well-being.

Life Empowering Truths is offering financial wellness sessions to provide financial literacy training for individuals interested in learning how to better manage and understand their own personal finances.

Spiritual Enrichment

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8 KJV

Life Empowering Truths provide opportunities to those interested in enhancing and enriching their lives so that they may deepen their relationship with the heavenly Father and be “well equipped to share truth with others”.

Spiritual education and enrichment sessions include a study of Biblical understanding and interpretation through Bible study, and prayer. Additional opportunities include webinars, prayer groups, conferences, and retreats.

Over 400 years ago, the transatlantic slave trade scattered enslaved people around the world. It’s no surprise that over time they would eventually lose their identity. The Gates of Huldah is a ministry dedicated to aiding these scattered people, both young and old, in their daily spiritual walk, and to help them understand the truths about their identity.

The Gates of Huldah YouTube Channel offers teachings about Black history from a Biblical perspective.

Contribute Now

Join us in our cause to help families thrive. Contributions to Life Empowering Truths are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Contribute Now

Join us in our cause to help families thrive. Contributions to Life Empowering Truths are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.