The Holy Day Designated by the Creator is Saturday, Not Sunday

We’re going to talk about the very controversial topic of Saturday versus Sunday Sabbath. On whose authority was the fourth Commandment changed? There are legal yet wicked laws created by man in opposition to the laws of the Creator. Mankind is headed for a showdown with the Most High because humanity has lost respect for […]
The Deception Behind Christmas – Why December 25th?

In coming into this awakening, we also have to turn from wickedness – anything that does not honor the Most High. And included in that is paganism. The religions that our people were forced to convert to all have pagan roots and that is a fact. So, let’s talk about Christmas for a minute (yes, […]
Significance of Keeping YAH’s Feast Days

What Christians call ‘Holy Communion’, is it really the Passover feast that served as a memorial of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt? The only thing in Scripture that comes close to a communion service is the Passover, but the name has been changed and the relevance of the feast erased. There is no reason in Scripture […]
Messiah Is Our Passover Lamb to Be Remembered Throughout Generations

Where did the Easter Sunday holiday come from? many believe that it signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah…but does it? He said that He would be in the grave three days and three nights. So, is it possible to get three days and three nights from Friday noon to Sunday morning? Only if […]
Christmas Holiday and Beliefs Steeped in Pagan Roots

It may be concerning to some but paganism continues in Christianity. The truth is, many aspects of Christianity came from ancient pagan religions, not the Bible. Celebrated holidays, like Christmas and Easter, were not sanctioned by the Most High nor were they practiced by the early believers. We need to ask why are so much […]
Choose to Remember Passover (Pesach) Not Easter

Have you ever thought about why Easter is always on a Sunday? Yet, the date for Easter never falls on the same Sunday each year – isn’t that strange? If we’re honoring the resurrection of the Messiah, why isn’t it a fixed date? Just think about it – if someone in your family dies, do […]