The Prophecies in the Book Are For Us

Did you know that there is a push to throw away the New Testament and most of the Books in the Old Testament? This is the enemy’s endgame. They need the people of the Book to doubt the Scriptures and prophecies because, as they say, the Bible is filled with contradictions. Here’s what you need […]

The Holy Day Designated by the Creator is Saturday, Not Sunday

We’re going to talk about the very controversial topic of Saturday versus Sunday Sabbath. On whose authority was the fourth Commandment changed? There are legal yet wicked laws created by man in opposition to the laws of the Creator. Mankind is headed for a showdown with the Most High because humanity has lost respect for […]

A False and Corrupt Church was Planted Alongside the Real and the True

Have you heard of ‘Replacement Theology’? This false doctrine is an attempt to replace the chosen people of the Most High. The Almighty made an everlasting covenant with our ancestors and sealed it with a promise and an oath. Our covenant is everlasting; our people cannot be erased. As we continue to fill in the […]

The Most High’s Oracles Belong to Israel

The Most High made it clear in the Scriptures that His sacred writings belonged to one group of people – Israel – and they were to be His witnesses in the Earth. Gentile nations did not have the same access to His laws, statutes, and commandments. So, why did the Most High not speak to […]

Esau Exposed: Rome Is Still Ruling Through the Roman Catholic Church

Can we identify Esau/Edom? Yes! By tracing his descendants, we find there is a direct connection with those in power today. Esau has been busy mixing his seed in with other nations around the world. He’s been hiding himself. We know that he mixed the seed with the children of Ham and the Ishmaelites. He […]

Messiah Is Our Passover Lamb to Be Remembered Throughout Generations

Where did the Easter Sunday holiday come from? many believe that it signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah…but does it? He said that He would be in the grave three days and three nights. So, is it possible to get three days and three nights from Friday noon to Sunday morning? Only if […]

Yashar’EL, You Are the Natural Branch…Not A Gentile

I want to ask you a question. Are you a Gentile? You may be wondering why I’m even asking you that question. I’m asking because Bible scholars told us who the Gentiles were and we just accepted it as true without really searching the Scriptures to see if they were right. I’m tackling a topic […]

Our Tribulation Ends and the Judgment for Those Nations that Afflicted Us Begins

Understanding the days of judgment is imperative as we look to the heavens in confident anticipation of our deliverance from the oppression of the wicked. Throughout Scripture, we find many references where the Most High brought judgment on the inhabitants of the world. Now, we see end time signs happening on the earth and we […]

Is America Deserving of Judgment?

Are religious leaders cherry-picking the Scriptures for the reason the nation will be judged and ignoring some of the weightier matters? You may have heard various reasons for why America will be judged but here are some of the most notable reasons mentioned: the gospel of accommodation – meaning that the gospel has been watered […]