Nations Will Be Judged for Enslaving YAH’s Chosen People

The sale of enslaved people can be traced back to antiquity. Many would say that slavery is nothing new but nations that held the children of Israel captive often face significant consequences. As a result, enslaving the chosen people was not to be taken lightly. Has that changed? According to Joel 3, no, it has […]

Judah, Lift Up Your Heads Because Your Redemption Draws Near

The Day of Judgment. Many refer to it as a future event, promised in the Scripture, where the Most High will bring about final justice and condemnation on sinners. However, there are several judgments mentioned in the Scriptures. Understanding the days of judgment is imperative as we look to the heavens in anticipation of our […]

He Still Hears the Righteous Cry of Israel

The story about the Exodus gives us an account of Israel’s deliverance from captivity. Their bondage was so intense that the people cried out because of the oppression. It is now time for the descendants of those who were enslaved in Egypt to revisit the departure as they await deliverance from the land of their […]

Scripture Proves That We Were Lied to About Our True History

We know who the world is saying the true people of the book are but can we prove otherwise? That’s what this series is all about. There are those who are purposely creating confusion, purposely trying to say the evidence doesn’t say what it’s saying. Keep this verse [Revelation 2:9] in mind as we go […]

It’s Time We Reconnect with Our Heritage

For those of you who are just waking up about the true history of African Americans, do you feel equipped to prove your Hebrew identity? Are you searching for reliable sources that will help you prove that Negroes are the people of the book? More and more people are declaring that blacks, or so-called African […]

There Is A Divine Purpose for Israel in the Days of the Final Judgment

Is there a divine purpose for Israel in the final day judgments? Many would say no because they believe that the church has replaced the chosen people. However, understanding the days of judgment is crucial because there are many similarities between the plagues of Egypt and the plagues recorded in the book of Revelation. It’s […]

How Can People with A False Perception of Love Teach It to Someone Else?

Many of us know someone who has a hard time understanding the Father’s love. If God is so loving, why does He allow so much pain and suffering in the world? Another question being asked among some in the awakening is: how could the Most High let his people suffer through the horrors of slavery? […]