The Deception Behind Christmas – Why December 25th?

In coming into this awakening, we also have to turn from wickedness – anything that does not honor the Most High. And included in that is paganism. The religions that our people were forced to convert to all have pagan roots and that is a fact. So, let’s talk about Christmas for a minute (yes, […]
We Have to Follow What Is Written and What Is Said to Endure What Is Ahead

According to James 1:12, The one who endures until the end will be saved. Family, for us to survive what is coming on this earth, it is essential to be one with our Deliverer and King. He has to give us a divine strategy for these last days. The book of Revelation is unfolding all […]
How Do You Move Scripture from Head Knowledge to Heart Knowledge

In the last blog, we talked about Europeans and how they try to make the Oracles that were given to us theirs. The Roman Catholic Church now claim ownership of the Scriptures, our writings. They place the words that were given to us in a book (after editing and adding their own leaven) and they […]
A False and Corrupt Church was Planted Alongside the Real and the True

Have you heard of ‘Replacement Theology’? This false doctrine is an attempt to replace the chosen people of the Most High. The Almighty made an everlasting covenant with our ancestors and sealed it with a promise and an oath. Our covenant is everlasting; our people cannot be erased. As we continue to fill in the […]
The Most High’s Oracles Belong to Israel

The Most High made it clear in the Scriptures that His sacred writings belonged to one group of people – Israel – and they were to be His witnesses in the Earth. Gentile nations did not have the same access to His laws, statutes, and commandments. So, why did the Most High not speak to […]
Esau Exposed: Rome Is Still Ruling Through the Roman Catholic Church

Can we identify Esau/Edom? Yes! By tracing his descendants, we find there is a direct connection with those in power today. Esau has been busy mixing his seed in with other nations around the world. He’s been hiding himself. We know that he mixed the seed with the children of Ham and the Ishmaelites. He […]
Are We All Serving the Same ‘God’?

The religion of Christianity (and note I said the religion of Christianity) has set European nations apart as a superior race. It’s ungodly and it’s the demon in the room that has to be addressed. How can we say we love God, yet we hate somebody because their skin color is different? White supremacy has […]
Significance of Keeping YAH’s Feast Days

What Christians call ‘Holy Communion’, is it really the Passover feast that served as a memorial of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt? The only thing in Scripture that comes close to a communion service is the Passover, but the name has been changed and the relevance of the feast erased. There is no reason in Scripture […]
Messiah Is Our Passover Lamb to Be Remembered Throughout Generations

Where did the Easter Sunday holiday come from? many believe that it signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah…but does it? He said that He would be in the grave three days and three nights. So, is it possible to get three days and three nights from Friday noon to Sunday morning? Only if […]
Righteous Judgment is Needed to Bring Us to Repentance

How many of you have heard someone say, “You’re judging me; the Bible says not to judge.” Most of us are familiar with this scripture from Matthew 7:1-2. When we want to justify our actions, this is our ace card right here. So many people (both Christian and non-Christians) will use this verse as a […]