There Is A Divine Purpose for Israel in the Days of the Final Judgment

Is there a divine purpose for Israel in the final day judgments? Many would say no because they believe that the church has replaced the chosen people. However, understanding the days of judgment is crucial because there are many similarities between the plagues of Egypt and the plagues recorded in the book of Revelation. It’s […]
How Can People with A False Perception of Love Teach It to Someone Else?

Many of us know someone who has a hard time understanding the Father’s love. If God is so loving, why does He allow so much pain and suffering in the world? Another question being asked among some in the awakening is: how could the Most High let his people suffer through the horrors of slavery? […]
Sons and Daughters of Israel, We Have to Prophesy and Speak the Inspired Word of the Most High

We have been talking about the seed of the serpent, known in ancient times as the serpent people. They are not the same as the original descendants of Adam. They are of their father, the devil, and they have been working to create a one world government controlled by the beast system. We know that […]
Sons – Function Like Kings and Priests and Walk in Your Role

We have often heard this phrase, that “black people are feared”. But what does it really mean? They fear who you are. For so-called African-Americans, we are descendants of the children of Israel and we are not like other nations; this is why they fear you. They do everything in their power to control you. […]
Giants Still Exist – We Have to Be Wise to The Ways of The Enemy

According to Hebrews 13, we are told not to be forgetful to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels unawares. Family, we should also be careful that we are not entertaining demonic spirits. I encourage you to do self-examinations, often, to know the condition of your soul. It is time to get […]
Israel, We Had Our Own Memorial Day We Were Told to Remember

Memorial Day, a holiday that is supposed to honor soldiers who died while serving in the United States armed forces. But did you know that Memorial Day was actually founded by former slaves? You won’t find this in school textbooks. The day was actually called “Decoration Day”. In an article written in 2011, presented by […]
Daughters of Zion – Capable, Chosen and Called of The Most High

Have you heard about the “law of silence”? It’s this idea that has led many throughout the ages to say to a woman, “do not speak or teach in the church; that’s reserved for men”. This mandate has transcended to the community and other platforms, making some say that women should not have a voice […]
Zion, We Have to Learn From the Mistakes of Our Ancestors Who Did Not Seek Yah for His Strategy

Did you know that Israel was enslaved by the richest and most powerful nation on earth, when they became a nation? They became a nation while they were in bondage. They were living in the land of their oppressors. Sounds familiar? But did you also know that Israel left Egypt without having to lift a […]
It’s Time To Truly Understand His Power That Dwells In Us

We have been given supernatural power and it’s important for you to know why that power has been given to the children of Israel. Let’s begin by talking about the two kingdoms: the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Both are spiritual kingdoms and possess sources of power. When witnessed here on earth, […]
Choose to Remember Passover (Pesach) Not Easter

Have you ever thought about why Easter is always on a Sunday? Yet, the date for Easter never falls on the same Sunday each year – isn’t that strange? If we’re honoring the resurrection of the Messiah, why isn’t it a fixed date? Just think about it – if someone in your family dies, do […]