Our Oppressors Feel Justified in Securing Salvation by Faith Only

Some may find this hard to believe but the oppressors of the descendants of Israel twisted the gospel to create a guilt-free religion. How did they do it? They used the words of Paul. It has been claimed that the Apostle Paul created the ‘faith without works’ doctrine of salvation. This doctrine teaches that a […]
The Holy Day Designated by the Creator is Saturday, Not Sunday

We’re going to talk about the very controversial topic of Saturday versus Sunday Sabbath. On whose authority was the fourth Commandment changed? There are legal yet wicked laws created by man in opposition to the laws of the Creator. Mankind is headed for a showdown with the Most High because humanity has lost respect for […]
We Have to Follow What Is Written and What Is Said to Endure What Is Ahead

According to James 1:12, The one who endures until the end will be saved. Family, for us to survive what is coming on this earth, it is essential to be one with our Deliverer and King. He has to give us a divine strategy for these last days. The book of Revelation is unfolding all […]
How Do You Move Scripture from Head Knowledge to Heart Knowledge

In the last blog, we talked about Europeans and how they try to make the Oracles that were given to us theirs. The Roman Catholic Church now claim ownership of the Scriptures, our writings. They place the words that were given to us in a book (after editing and adding their own leaven) and they […]
Are We All Serving the Same ‘God’?

The religion of Christianity (and note I said the religion of Christianity) has set European nations apart as a superior race. It’s ungodly and it’s the demon in the room that has to be addressed. How can we say we love God, yet we hate somebody because their skin color is different? White supremacy has […]
Significance of Keeping YAH’s Feast Days

What Christians call ‘Holy Communion’, is it really the Passover feast that served as a memorial of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt? The only thing in Scripture that comes close to a communion service is the Passover, but the name has been changed and the relevance of the feast erased. There is no reason in Scripture […]
Righteous Judgment is Needed to Bring Us to Repentance

How many of you have heard someone say, “You’re judging me; the Bible says not to judge.” Most of us are familiar with this scripture from Matthew 7:1-2. When we want to justify our actions, this is our ace card right here. So many people (both Christian and non-Christians) will use this verse as a […]
In These Last Days, We Need Those He Has Chosen to Prophesy to the Dry Bones, So That the Nation Can Live.

Messiah asked a question in Luke 18:7-8 that many of us give little thought to but the question is relevant for us today. He asked, if He would find faith on the earth when He returns. Will He find His people standing in faith when He returns and how does it tie in to the […]
How Can People with A False Perception of Love Teach It to Someone Else?

Many of us know someone who has a hard time understanding the Father’s love. If God is so loving, why does He allow so much pain and suffering in the world? Another question being asked among some in the awakening is: how could the Most High let his people suffer through the horrors of slavery? […]
Sons and Daughters of Israel, We Have to Prophesy and Speak the Inspired Word of the Most High

We have been talking about the seed of the serpent, known in ancient times as the serpent people. They are not the same as the original descendants of Adam. They are of their father, the devil, and they have been working to create a one world government controlled by the beast system. We know that […]