Real Biblical Black History in Pictures

Most of us were taught to believe the lies that the most important historical figures were white Europeans. Religious leaders knowingly reject the scriptures that describe Messiah as having woolly hair and feet like burnt brass – and I have said many times, anything burnt is not white! Races have a mental block when it comes to a Messiah with negroid features. They would rather believe a lie than accept that fact. In a 4-part video series entitled Real Black History in Pictures, I share numerous pictures from the Dura Europo synagogue. The goal is to show some of these illustrations of how ancient Hebrews were depicted in previous centuries. These pictures are out there but Hollywood is continuing to present the whitewashed images. Granted some of them were kept hidden in catacombs but there’s enough of them out there that we should be seeing accurate portrayals – particularly when you consider the geographical location (also, you should be able to google many of them). These paintings date back to the 3rd century so they would have had a better description or knowledge to describe what the ancient Israelites look like. They were closer to that era and we can clearly see the negroid features depicted: afro, curly, woolly hair and dark brown (burnt brass) skin. These men were not Europeans. The pictures show that the ancient Israelites were people of color, which is more confirmation that we are the people of the Book. Here is a list of just a few of the paintings shared in the videos:

  • Moses reading from a scroll on the Euphrates River
  • Samuel anointing David with his brothers standing next to him on the Euphrates River.
  • Luke as he is writing this gospel (from the Armenian book of the four gospels of the 12th century a – in the Romkla library in Jerusalem)
  • Christ and the Apostles in the Catacombs of Domitilla 4th century C.E., Rome
  • Moses and the Burning Bush on the wing panel, Dura Europos Synagogue
  • The prophet Jonah being thrown into the sea found in the Catacombs of Saints Marcellino & Pietro, circa 300 A.D. Rome
  • Dura-Europos synagogue painting of Moses and the Hebrews crossing the Red Sea as they’re pursued by Pharaoh 303 B.C. – 256 A.D.
  • King David with his musicians found in Greece 1000 A.D.
  • Christ with his disciples – painted on a wooden paddle panel in the Coptic Museum in Cairo
  • Ezekiel in the in the valley of dry bones found in the Dura Europos synagogue
  • Fresco from the Via Latina Catacomb in Rome, painted about 320 A.D. – Abraham raising his sword to sacrifice his son, Isaac
  • Adam and Eve – Catacombs of San Gennaro (St. Januarius) – Napoli, Italy – painted between the 2nd and 3rd century
  • and so many more…

The resource I’m using for these pictures come from a book entitled, Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible, 1986 (it has 1500 full color illustrations including photographs of biblical sites and reproductions of classic paintings, drawings, prints, mosaics, frescoes, and scriptural fragments). The book reinforces what you already know to be true and boosts your confidence even more. The illustrations are depictions of what the ancient Hebrews looked like – which should tell you what their offspring would look like today. You will also learn about the Dura Europos synagogue, which was an ancient synagogue uncovered at Dura Europos Syria in 1932. This is the area near Ur of the Chaldeans – where Abraham’s people came from. This tool is a great way to introduce our children to these bible stories and show them these pictures of long ago – of how the ancient Israelites were really depicted. Family, I think it’s obvious that the truth about who we are has been known for centuries and I think they know that we’re uncovering the truth faster than they can find a lie to debunk it. We really can’t understand our history until we learn the truth about who we are as people of the book. Once you know that, you will understand what has happened to us as a people. Because if we’re not interested in learning the truth about our history no one else will be either. This is the information we need to teach the next generation. The truth is unavoidable now.

So yes, we can embrace our heritage. It’s great to know who we really are as a people but that’s for identity only. Knowing who the descendants of the ancient Israelites are helps us to see how these bible prophecies are being fulfilled in these end times and it should serve as a time clock for the rest of the world. Now that we’re waking up, it should help us to see time is short. So, knowing who you are is not going to save you. You need a savior and that is why The Heavenly Father sent Yeshua to die. His death, burial and resurrection served as a notice to the wicked one that he can’t win this fight. But he’s going to try anyway because he wants to take as many people as possible with him to hell and that’s not what the Father wants for you. So, repent now and receive salvation. Psalm 107:20 says, He sent His word to heal us and deliver us from destruction – so you can receive His salvation. Don’t go through hell here on earth and then go there for eternity.

Learn more in these accompanying videos to the 4-part series, Real Black History in Pictures: