Did you know that there is a push to throw away the New Testament and most of the Books in the Old Testament? This is the enemy’s endgame. They need the people of the Book to doubt the Scriptures and prophecies because, as they say, the Bible is filled with contradictions. Here’s what you need to understand. In a war, the goal of the enemy is to break the spirit of the opponent and make them lose hope. Why? When an enemy loses their morale, their effectiveness is diminished, and it leads to their defeat. So, we can choose to believe the words of the heavenly Father and live or believe the words of the enemy, doubt YAH’s, word and die. But the question for many is, how do we know that the words we read in Scripture are true?
The source is still the same. Adam and Eve didn’t have written words, neither did Abraham. He heard a Voice and he chose to believe. That’s no easy feat considering that he grew up in a family of pagans. But the spirit of YAH is still speaking to the hearts of men. So, yes, it will be imperative for us to take heed how we hear. 1 Thessalonians 5:1 admonishes us to “test everything and hold fast to what is good.” It’s safe to say that mature believers will have to learn how to discern the spirit of the law by understanding several key factors. The letter of the law refers to the literal reading of the words of the law. When you meditate on it -to get it down in your heart- the spirit of YAH gives you insight, so that you understand the intention behind why the law was given and why it will be enforced. In addition, the Ruach will give you guidance on how to apply laws in new situations that are not specifically addressed. Finally, trust that He will lead you into all truth. Remember the Scripture, “My sheep hear My voice.” The question is, are you listening?
Based on information I have uncovered, I can see that in the attempts to copy, translate, transcribe, and interpret scripture, errors were made. Some may have been unintentional and others not. But did it change YAH’s overall message and His plan for salvation or His plan for His people? No! We can see certainly in these last days how these prophecies are unfolding. Just stop and think for a second, why is all of this happening now when we’re finding out that this Book is about us? There’s a reason for that; it’s time to put the new system in place. The old one worked for centuries and now they need to tear it down. This is the enemy’s end game – to get man to accept the new world religion. All of the different religions and denominations or people who are saying they’re atheists, all of that is going to go away. Because the one who is trying to oppose the Most High and exalt himself against all that belongs to YAH has to show himself or present himself to the world as god. The worship of the evil one is going to be universal, and his minions need to present him as the savior of the world. In order to do that, they have to create chaos. We see earth shattering disasters, natural and man-made, happening all around the world: international conflicts, global financial meltdowns, nations on the brink of civil war, the escalation of threats for nuclear war, etc. The enemy has been working on this final plan for a very long time; they are creating the chaos. They will then say that their god brought order out of chaos. The question is, what will you use as an anchor to help you discern what is true?
Are you ready to stand against this coming darkness? If so, what will you use as your standard? Isaiah 59:19 says, “So shall they fear the name of the Most High from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Most High YAH shall lift up a standard against him.” YAH’s Word is the standard – the only thing you will have to stand on. If you’re still waffling about and trying to figure out what is truth and what is not, you’re going to leave a door open to the enemy. You should know what you believe and why and not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Your pastor or your favorite YouTube preacher may not be there when you have to take a stand. You should have some nuggets tucked away in your heart – truths that you will defend unto the death. In other words, you will not be easily shaken because you know how to go to the source. You should have a witness down on the inside of you. I need you to understand that there is a need to get YAH’s people to doubt these prophecies and throw away the Book.
Family, yes, know that there were man-made errors, but the problem is not with the source. So why would we throw the baby out with the bath water, instead of allowing the Ruach to lead us into all truth? At the end of the day, we will all have to get in this Book, pray, fast, study, and wait for the Almighty’s presence so that He can give us directions. He’s infallible, not man. His words will stand the test of time, not man’s. If He spoke to our ancestors back then, He can speak to us today. For those with eyes to see, even in this you can see that it’s a fulfillment of last day prophecies. I need you to just think for a moment (for those who want to throw it all out because you think our oppressors wrote the Book or the New Testament) they had to be very foolish to make up a story and then have the outcome of who the chosen people are point to us – the same people they oppressed, sold into slavery, and trafficked around the world. The signs point to no other people. Why leave those prophecies in the Book if you had the power to change everything written in the Book? They could have described the Ancient of Days and Messiah with blonde hair and blue eyes. It would have been to their advantage to let the blessing serve as the sign and not the curses. How do you explain that our enslavement line up with the prophecies? Learn more when you view the accompanying video, Why They Need the People of the Book to Doubt the Prophecies.