The Pineal Gland – Powerhouse of the Endocrine System

Studies have shown that our people tend to be highly religious or I should say value spiritual things more. Those conducting the studies seem perplexed by the fact that we tend to be more religious or spiritual (some would say) and I think we know where these attributes are coming from, as it pertains to our people. But let’s look at it from their perspective because, of course, they don’t want to admit the obvious. So we’ll look at scientific research, since they say “trust the science” and see where this leads. Let’s look at a gland that The Most High placed in our bodies that’s the size of a pea – the pineal gland. The pineal gland (located in the center of the brain) is shaped like a pine cone and it’s small like the size of a pea. There’s a lot of fear and unease surrounding this topic. I hesitated to address it when I was studying this out, but it’s really difficult to talk about melanin and not address the pineal gland.

I found that there’s a lot of information about the pineal gland that seems to be skewed based on who is conducting the study and who’s presenting the information. European researchers tend to provide generic information about melanin and the pineal gland so that it’s inclusive of all races. Then there’s information from those who lean toward Kemetic spirituality, who are seeking to restore the ancient Egyptian religious practices – and we’re not trying to go down that road either. We have to line everything up with Scripture and understand that yes, The Most High placed this gland in our bodies. He had to have put it there for a reason.  So obviously, this gland plays an important role in our bodies or The Most High would not have put it there, but here’s the key: we have to understand, why?

The pineal gland is stimulated when we pray or enter into praise and worship. Meanwhile, those who are not in relationship with The Father try to stimulate this gland through other means, like yoga, meditation, mindfulness and other ways. During our time of praise and worship, we invoke His Presence and we’re able to receive from the Heavenly realm through The Holy Spirit – The Ruach Ha’Qodesh is making that connection. So trying to connect to the spirit realm any other way is dangerous, because it invites evil spirits into your life. So don’t go there. We cannot diminish things given to us by our Creator. Instead pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, so that we will know how to use these things the way He intended.

Ancient cultures knew about the pineal gland and its importance and they called it the Seat of the Soul. The Catholics and these other pagan religions believe it’s a way to get knowledge. So when folks are talking about opening their third eye the question has to be asked, why are you trying to do this, because our connection to the spirit realm is supposed to come through The Ruach. The Holy Spirit indwells us with abilities and it benefits The Kingdom of Heaven. It’s based on what The Most High is wanting us to know and do. Those who are into mysticism and the occult, they’re getting knowledge that comes from the kingdom of darkness…but who controls it? So you absolutely need to be led by the Holy Spirit to connect to the spirit realm, or you’re going to be listening to demons.

Family, it’s safe to say that this gland is the powerhouse of the endocrine system. It’s regulating growth, melatonin production, immune function, mood, sensory, motor activity, the appetite, and things they have not yet figured out. Several studies have concluded that African-American immune systems are more effective at fighting off bacteria and infections. I hope that you are now seeing that we should never feel ashamed of our black skin. Without a doubt, there are many benefits to having dark, melanated skin – the evidence is clear! Learn more in this accompanying video, Uncovering Melanin Secrets 5 | Is There a Connection to Higher Spiritual Values.