The Holy Day Designated by the Creator is Saturday, Not Sunday

We’re going to talk about the very controversial topic of Saturday versus Sunday Sabbath. On whose authority was the fourth Commandment changed? There are legal yet wicked laws created by man in opposition to the laws of the Creator. Mankind is headed for a showdown with the Most High because humanity has lost respect for the authority of His word. His commandments became subjective – it’s no longer an absolute. For example, the Sabbath day has been changed to Sunday. This doctrine of Sunday worship was created by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). So, for Christians who are saying, “I’m not Catholic so this does not pertain to me”, you’ll be surprised by how much of what you believe came out of the RCC and not from Scripture. You’re united with the RCC and you don’t even realize it.

Sunday was the rest day of the Roman Empire. This was tied to their religion which was called Mithraism and it was a form of sun worship. That’s where this Sunday worship came from – it didn’t just happen. Everything that I’m sharing with you is extremely important because you need to know what’s coming. They are going to go back to this mandate of a Sunday rest day. It’s going to be a part of this global reset. They’re packaging it as a way to stop climate change and help the environment. It’s called the ‘green sabbath project’.

In Genesis 2:3, we read that Yahuah blessed the seventh day and made it holy. So, when did He change it and say it doesn’t apply to that day anymore? Usually the argument is, “Well the Catholics changed the calendar and we really don’t know which calendar we’re keeping, so it doesn’t matter anymore…” When Christians use this argument, isn’t it strange that they don’t make that argument about any other day. For example, you don’t hear them say, “Well we don’t know if Sunday is really Sunday so we should just go to church on Monday.” If that’s the argument, why not ignore them all until we can get it figured out? Now the calendar in use, of course, is the Roman calendar but that change didn’t break the weekly cycle. We don’t have a five-day week or a six-day week, we have a seven-day week. I don’t care what you’re counting, you’re going to have a seventh day and it’s still on Saturday. Again, I want to challenge those who are saying, it really doesn’t matter. I want you to know how seriously the RCC is taking their sign or mark of authority. In 363 A.D., they passed a decree (this was at the council of Laodicea) pronouncing the death sentence on anyone found to be keeping the Saturday Sabbath. There are many people who were martyred (lookup Canon law 29).

Another point or Scripture often overlooked comes from Genesis 26:5 – this was before the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt. Then in Exodus 16:23-30, we have Moses being instructed by the Most High – and this is right after the children of Israel came out of Egypt. If the Sabbath commandment wasn’t in place prior to Mount Sinai, why would the Most High be admonishing them and rebuking them for not observing the Sabbath? The only answer is that these laws, particularly the Sabbath day law, was not something new. The Sabbath day had to have been implemented at creation like He said and it was taught to Adam and taught to his sons and it kept going: Noah, Abraham, etc. They were obeying this law about the Sabbath day.

The default Scripture used when defending their Sunday Sabbath (and I know, because in the past I’ve used it myself) comes from Colossians 2:16-17. Paul speaking says, “So let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths.” Notice the ‘s’ at the end which indicates there is more than one sabbath day. They’re not all talking about the seventh day being the day of rest, they’re talking about something different. In reading on, verse 17 says, “…which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ”. It is talking about the body of Messiah – He would be that Passover Lamb. He was the one slain on the day of preparation of the Pesach (the Passover feast). This is why Yahshua says in Matthew 5:17-18, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.  For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” This was fulfilled in His death. He became that Passover Lamb – one without spot or blemish. He became that salvation for all so that we don’t have to continue to kill the lambs, goats, rams, etc.

I encourage you to read Leviticus 23 in its entirety where it talks about the other sabbath days. We read where the Most High instructed Moses (which was then declared to the children of Israel) saying, “These are the feasts of Yahuah which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations. These are My feasts.” He then gives detailed instructions for how each feast is to be observed (and I’m listing them in order):
 Sabbath |  Feast of Unleavened Bread |  Feast of Weeks |  Feasts of Trumpets |  Day of Atonement |  Feast of Tabernacles
Very similar to this seventh day Sabbath, when they were not supposed to work, these feast days or sabbath days held the same conditions. They were not supposed to work on those days. It says these are the feasts of Yahuah which are holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire to Yahuah. This is where the verse in Colossians comes in. It’s not just talking about Saturday, where they had certain days where they were supposed to rest. They were supposed to do that on these other days as well. These are the shadow, referring to the body of the Messiah. Again, there was more than one sabbath day. But there is One day that the Most High implemented at creation to recognize His day of rest.

I hope that you can see that this changing of this day is simply humanity ignoring the laws of the Most High in favor of laws created by man. We cannot separate the authority of our Creator from His word. He has the authority. But instead, the RCC has used her authority to change it and if you’re observing it on the day that she changed it to, then you’re in agreement. Who are you going to agree with? You’re going to have to make a choice because that’s what’s coming. The day was made for you. The Most High told you this Sabbath day rest was made for man. It shows His care for you, for your well-being. That’s why He said you should rest. If you have people working for you, they should be resting as well (animals too).

In Exodus 31:16-17, we read that the Sabbath day is a sign. Those who commemorate the special meaning of this day, as the Most High intended, are set apart by this sign. For those saying, “it really doesn’t matter”, you should be asking, why did the RCC change the day? They are challenging the Most High’s authority by instituting a different day. Christians have even declared this is a day of worship. But the Most High did not call it a day of worship, He called it a day of rest. You can and should worship on any day, but we need to stop interchanging the Sabbath day. Those who are saying, “it’s the Lord’s Day”, that’s not the description we have of what ‘the Lord’s Day’ is all about. Go back and read Joel 2, you will see what the Lord’s Day is really about. It’s a day of judgment!

Also don’t forget this point, this is the day where you are showing that you trust Him to meet your needs. He’s saying you shouldn’t be working, trying to meet your own needs. On this day, trust that “I am your provider, I provide for you.” So, even though it may seem spiritual and morally right, if laws go against what the Creator says, the law is legal, yet wicked and we cannot justify the changing of Saturday to Sunday. I have shared more than enough sources showing you why the Roman Catholic Church changed this day so that you’re clear and understand why it was changed. Learn more when you view the accompanying video, Legal Yet Wicked #3 | Saturday vs Sunday Sabbath.