It is time for African Americans to understand the value of melanin. There is a need for us to educate ourselves about melanin. Normally we only hear about how melanin plays an important role in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays, but it is so much more than pigmentation. Melanin is necessary for the brain and nerves to operate, the eyes to see, and the cells to reproduce. It is one of the things that makes us exceptional, and it’s time for us to expel the lies, and embrace the darkness of our skin.
We have Scripture that says The Creator has dark, melanated skin, and wooly hair, and so does His Son. After creating man, The Most High looked at Adam and declared him to be, not just good, but very good. The fact that He was placing His stamp of approval on him, implies that The Almighty had judged him to be of high quality and effective for serving His purposes. So yes! Even Adam’s skin color mattered. So how did we go from melanated skin being very good, to it being a cause for derision and hate?
A part of the hatred that we have for ourselves and for those who look like us, was the result of the psychological programming of the oppressor. What is psychological programming? It’s the effect of extreme brainwashing, suffered by survivors of ritual abuse. The idea was that people had triggers embedded in their psyches, put there by their oppressors and abusers. These triggers were put in place with malevolent intent, so that they could be tripped at a later date, causing the person to act in accord with the program. The psychological program. This is what has been done to us.
Truly, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, but we were made to feel that is was bad to have black skin. So much so that a lot of our people have been using dangerous chemicals to get rid of melanin. To get rid of the dark skin, because we didn’t know the value of it. We were never taught to value our black skin, and it’s time to let truth break every chain used by the oppressor to keep us down. We can no longer be destroyed because we lack knowledge. The melanin The Creator placed in your body is like a supercomputer, designed to protect you from harmful things. Learn more in this accompanying video, Uncovering Melanin Secrets – part 1.