The Most High made it clear in the Scriptures that His sacred writings belonged to one group of people – Israel – and they were to be His witnesses in the Earth. Gentile nations did not have the same access to His laws, statutes, and commandments. So, why did the Most High not speak to Gentiles the way that He spoke to His chosen people? The first thing we need to understand is that the Most High marked one group of people to carry out certain assignments in the earth. That’s their purpose. Leviticus 25:55 says, “For the children of Israel are servants to me; they are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt.” He identifies Himself as the Most High of this people. He’s speaking about a specific group of people – those He brought out of the land of Egypt. The descendants of these people are still living in the earth, however, they are not living in the land of promise because He scattered them to the four corners. Why? Because they sinned. So, even though they are scattered around the world today, they are still His chosen people and they still have specific mandates that apply to them and them alone.
Let’s understand why. Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and the calling of YAH are irrevocable.” Now, as a people we look pretty raggedy right now, but the word of YAH cannot return to Him void. Everything He has declared about us has to come to pass to include our regathering and our return to our land. This is another sign pointing to us as the people. Israel cannot be in the land right now because Joel 3 has not been fulfilled. That prophecy says we will be regathered when the nations that took us into captivity are brought to the valley of Jehoshaphat to be judged for what they did to us. Has this happened yet? If so when? If not, then how could the people the world believes to be Israel be the true people? (Amos 3:2)
We can find many examples of Israel going into captivity as a form of punishment but it has never changed their status as the chosen people. We may appear to be forsaken but that is far from the truth. This is where a lot of Gentiles miss it because they only focus on Israel’s judgment. And in their ignorance, they try to say that we have been replaced. How can you come away with that interpretation after reading the passage from Isaiah 54:7-10. Go back and see what ‘everlasting’ means and then ask yourself if the Most High can be trusted to keep His word. We have an advantage much in every way and it’s primarily because, to us, we’re committed the Oracles of the Most High. Again, the Oracles were given to one people – Israel. Did that change? Can we find any Scripture to prove that the Most High changed his mind about that? We’re told that the Oracles of YAH were committed to the circumcision. At the same time, we are told that their unbelief did not make the faithfulness of the Most High without effect (Romans 3:1-2 and Romans 9:1-5).
Now, let’s define the word Oracles. In the Old Testament, the word Oracle is used in every case (except in 2 Samuel 16:23) to denote the most holy place in the temple. It’s defined as the inner sanctuary, the Holy of holies. Examples are found in 1 Kings 6:5, 1 Kings 6:19-23 and 1 Kings 8. But in 2 Samuel 16:23, Oracle means the word of the Most High YAH. In the New Testament, the word Oracle always denotes the word of the Most High. Examples are provided in Romans 3:2 and Hebrews 5:12. The scriptures are called living Oracles because of their quickening power. These things belong to Israel in the Old Testament and they still belong to them in the New Testament. Israel can be seen as the vessel the Most High chose to use for this purpose. That says to us that the Creator chooses the vessel. He has not poured into everyone the same. Some vessels are designed specifically for certain tasks. Edomite Jews have been twisting things and creating traditions for a very long time. This is why it’s so important to allow the Holy Spirit to provide the interpretation so that we can rightly divide these Scriptures. We need to focus not just on the letter of the law but the spirit of the law. The law was supposed to be on the inside of us where it can’t be manipulated and twisted by wicked and deceitful men (Mark 7:5-9).
Why are they having to come to the house of Jacob to be taught? It’s because of the verse found in Micah 4:2. A lot of what is being passed off as the gospel are really the traditions of men. The pagan insertions have deluded the true gospel. The religion known today as Christianity has tainted the Oracles. What we received as the gospel from the European nations was not delivered to us in its purest form. The other nations have always known that Israel had to abide by the law, statutes, and commandments of the Most High. Their customs and traditions were based on His Oracles (Esther 3:8). However, we have adopted the customs and traditions of other nations. Our manner of dress, the foods we eat, the lifestyle…all of it came from other nations when we turned from YAH’s ways. So, we now have to relearn what it means to be us, what it means to be an Israelite. The other nations knew that they had to cut us off from those things.
The heathens went in and whitewashed everything. They inserted their own customs and traditions and gave us religion (1 Maccabees 3:45-48). Whose likeness did they insert? Their images. And now we have today a whitewashed version of Scripture that has made the Gentile nations Israel. They believe they are now Israel! They begin changing things a little here and a little there and now we have something that is unrecognizable. They did the same thing with historical events. Give it another 50 years or so and the history books will be saying that it was white Europeans who came here as slaves and they were the ones who were mistreated. Has it happened before? Absolutely! That’s why we have a group pretending to be us. The color of the true people has changed completely from black to white. They came up with the most ridiculous lie ever to say that their color changed to match the color of the people in the lands where they migrated to. Ok, so we have a special kind of people here who are like chameleons; they can change color based on the places where they live. For them, the truth is what they say it is. And folks with three letters behind their name just accept it as fact.
Let us remind ourselves why there is an inability to handle the truth in some of these nations (John 8:44-45). The nations that engage in these things, they are revealing who they really are. There is no truth in them. Truth is liberating and it brings the conviction necessary for change. But when you cannot or will not allow yourself to know the truth so that you can repent and be set free, you are choosing to remain bound. Do you see why there was a need to change the names of the people in the Bible to European names and present Bible stories in a way that will make you think it’s all about white Europeans? That is why the Nations will be coming to those of the House of Jacob, to learn the truth. because the sacred writings belong to Israel. Learn more when you view the accompanying video, Oracles Given to One People #1 | The Sacred Writings Belong to Israel.